Why We Exist


Global Changemakers Network was founded to not only address but find & implement equitable, inclusive, holistic, regenerative, & sustainable solutions to these quintessentially critical issues that threaten the very existence of our human specie and our planet.


Global Changemakers Network drives deep systemic, change by building collaborative partnerships, building communities, being a change agent itself, and a platform for experts, thought leaders, and conscientious earth stewards from all domains to connect, engage, collaborate and lead to manifest deep systemic changes that are super critical to our human and planetary evolution.

We focus on implementing equitable, inclusive and sustainable solutions that integrate the latest technological advances to design, facilitate, deploy, recalibrate, & sustain systems & interventions that are integrated & interconnected holistically.

We engage, promote and collaborate with other networks and entities that have potential to impact social, environmental and economic variables for the benefit of our humanity and planet.

We design, facilitate, curate, & promote safe spaces for all to thrive while empowering communities in peace and prosperity, and more importantly, as one sustainable planet while upholding the dignity of life.

We assist companies, cities, communities, and nations to grow in a circular manner sustainably.


For 23 years, the founding Directors of Changemakers Network and Operation RESTORE have been working at the convergence of sustainable development, deep systemic change, humanitarian relief & disaster management. Our Founder has personally led, coordinated, and volunteered in 3 major disasters: the super cyclone of Orissa in 1999; Tsunami in 2004, and Covid 19 pandemic that assumed disaster proportions in 2020.

This initiative made a positive impact in millions of people’s lives and their families. Our team members have been contributing to humanity by deepening social equity & lessening ecological footprint and in many other ways since then and in 2019 started working through the platform of Global Changemakers Network, headquartered with our registered entity in The Netherlands.


  • 1999
    Super Cyclone Orissa, India
  • 2001
    Hindu Genocide, Bangladesh
  • 2004
    Tsunami, India
  • March, 2019
    Center 4 Peace Initiative
  • March, 2019
    World Economic Summit
  • April, 2019
    Global Changemakers Magazine
  • April, 2019
    Global Changemakers Network
  • June, 2019
    Impact Invest Forums
  • 2020
  • March, 2020
    Operation RESTORE
  • February, 2021
    Changemakers Network India
  • March, 2021
    RESTORE Global
  • April, 2021
    RESTORE India Initiative
  • present